After disbanding her history-making orchestra and several years of performing solo. Blanche puts together an all-female orchestra which ends in short order due to lack of bookings. In the next few years, Blanche retires from show business.
Blanche divorces and moves to DC and starts to manage the Crystal Caverns (2001 11th St NW).
Blanche begins managing Brown.
Blanche advises Brown to sign a recording contract at new music label Atlantic.
One source has Atlantic's Ahmet Ertegun and Herb Abramson contacting Blanche Calloway in October 1948. Blanche convinced them to sign Ruth, although they hadn't heard a note of her singing.
Another version has Abramson coming down from New York and, being entranced with Ruth's performance, signing her on the spot.
Yet a third version has both Abramson and Ertegun present.
October: Ruth is the only one injured in a car accident on the way to NYC for a concert at the Apollo theater. Blanche, a driver and Ruth’s “husband” Jimmy Brown were also in the vehicle.
May 25: Ruth Brown has her first recording session at Apex Studios with Atlantic Records on crutches. Atlantic becomes known as “The House that Ruth Built”.